UCF Policies and Procedures

Policies Open for Public Comment

In accordance with UCF policy 2-001 University Policy Development, the Responsible Authority for each policy is required to obtain stakeholder input and take their comments into account when preparing a draft policy. All new or revised policies are required to be posted for a 14-day public comment period before they are submitted to and reviewed by the University's Policies and Procedures Committee. All comments submitted during the public comment period are collected and distributed by University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk to the policy’s Initiating and Responsible Authorities, as well as to the Committee members for review and possible edit(s) to the policy. During the Committee meeting the Committee may vote to recommend the policy for final approval by the President or return it to the Initiating and Responsible Authorities for further revision. The following policies are currently available for public comment - click on "VIEW" to review the proposed draft. Click on "COMMENT" to email your comments to the policy's Initiating and Responsible Authorities, and the Committee.

3-105.1 Draft University Access Control

3-120.2 Draft University Smoke-Free

3-128.1 Draft University Volunteers

3-133 Draft Unmanned Aircraft System